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Organizations / Rehabilitation, Social Welfare /

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  Open in new window   Orpha.Net Estonia
European Comission\'s project for collectiong information in Estonia for pan-European database of rare diseases.

  Open in new window   Psychological Counselling Center SENSUS
Psychological counselling, psychotherapy, logoped, etc.

  Open in new window   Rannapere Boardinghouse Ltd.
Boardinghouse, daycenter in Haabneeme, near Tallinn.

  Open in new window   SMOZ
Smoz help consumers fight their urge to smoke by simulating the gesture

  Open in new window   Sotsiaal- ja Tervishoiuameti Päeva­kes­kus Käo (Day Center Käo)
Day center for children with a serious mental disability.

  Open in new window   Support-persons network for the disabled
Support-persons network for the disabled.

  Open in new window   Tallinn Christian Care Center
Social work. Soup kitchen, clothing and footwear, street kids\\\' Ministry, Christian youth café, Koidu Methodist Church, countryside and other towns all over Estonia.

  Open in new window   Tallinn Crisis Centre for Women
The Non-profit organisation of Tallinn Crisis Centre for Women helps women who fall victims of violence in the close relationships.

  Open in new window   Tartu Christian Adolescent Home
Social welfare institution for children. Off the Streets; Day Centre, Orphanage, Support Flats.

  Open in new window   Tartu Parkinson\\\'s Disease Society
Information about the Parkinson disease and the treatment availabilities.

  Open in new window   The Board of Disabled People of Jõgeva
General information and contact.

  Open in new window   The Estonian Chamber of Disabled People
A non-profit association engaged in the social field, field of education and culture, which unites, based on free will, national associations of disabled people, local chambers of disabled people and other legal entities, whose area of activity includes working with disabled people.

  Open in new window   THINK Estonia
Work and training center for the handicapped and disabled.

  Open in new window   UNICEF Estonian National Committee
International charity organization.

  Open in new window   Victim Service in Estonia
Aid for victims, news, European organizations, researches, literature, links, contact, etc.

  Open in new window   We Will Help You NGO
Noncommercial organization for helping drug addicts and their families.

  Open in new window   Women of Tallinn (forum)
Crises forum.

  Open in new window   Women\\\'s Shelter of Tartu
Women\'s Shelter of Tartu is opened for battered women.

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