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Business / Environment, Companies /

@ Agriculture (87)
@ Land_Measure (19)

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  Open in new window   Alkranel Ltd.
Water management, Waste management, Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental research.

  Open in new window   AS Pöyry Entec
Planning, Water supply and sewerage projects, Environmental impact assessment (EIA, SEA), environmental audit (EDD) and environmental consulting

  Open in new window   ATI Grupp Ltd.
Utilizing of building and industrial refuse.

  Open in new window   Automation Consulting Ltd.
Food industry, water and wastewater treatment, power plants, pulp and paper.

  Open in new window   Baltic International Ltd.
Water purification, water filters, waste water purification - consulting, selling, installation and maintenance.

  Open in new window   Christiansen Consulting Ltd.
Environmental management systems; consulting and training.

  Open in new window   Cleanway Tallinn Ltd.
Garbage and waste disposal.

  Open in new window   Dambis Estonia
Ecological waste-baskets, cleaning services.

  Open in new window   EcoPro Ltd.
operating company of Tallinn and Vaivara hazardous waste transfer station, environmental impact assessment.

  Open in new window   Ehituse Tehnosüsteemide Ltd.
Production and sale of heating and ventilation devices, cooling plants.

  Open in new window   Elvi-Aqua Ltd.
Drinking, technological and waste water treatment : consulting, equipment and materials.

  Open in new window   Englo Ltd.
Mechanical devices and electronic devices, environmental monitoring.

  Open in new window   Enprima Estivo Ltd.
Engineering and consulting services at energy and environmental area.

  Open in new window   Eridania Ltd.
Refreshment, development, cleaning, drilling and liquidation of drilling boreholes.

  Open in new window   Estonian, Latvian & Lithuanian Environment Ltd
Environmental consultations, auditing, environmental impact assessment, environmental related projects.

  Open in new window   Evikon MCI Ltd.
Measurement instruments, laboratory equipment & industrial automation - manufacturing of temperature, humidity, moisture, pressure, level, ion & gas control instrumentation.

  Open in new window   Fixtec Ltd.
Sale of environmental protection products; development of environmental protection projects.

  Open in new window   Georg Jõesaar
Decontamination of water and soil as well as cleansing of structures and surfaces, polluted by toxic hydrocarbons.

  Open in new window   Greal Energy
Environmental products.

  Open in new window   Harmet Ltd.
Manufacturing of waste compactors and containers.

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