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  Open in new window   http://www.just.ee/new_index.php3?id=48

  Open in new window   Centre for Public Service Training and Development
Centre for Public Service Training and Development is a public training institution under the State Chancellery of Estonia.

  Open in new window   Centre of Registers and Infosystems
Information about Centre of Registers and Infosystems.

  Open in new window   Estonian Educational and Research Network
The functioning of an academic data communication network corresponding to the specific needs of educational, research and cultural institutions and its compatibility with new innovative projects ;the due administration of the DNS Top Level Domain .ee based on the country code Estonia.

  Open in new window   Estonian Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (EMHI)
Weather forecasts for continental and sea area of Estonia and Europe.

  Open in new window   Estonian Motor Vehicle Registration Centre
General information and news.

  Open in new window   Estonian Patent Library
Collections of industrial property documents and literature. Sale of Official Bulletins of the Estonian Patent Office. Public library.

  Open in new window   Estonian Prosecutors Office
Information about Estonian Prosecutors Office.

  Open in new window   National Court of the Republic of Estonia
Information about National Court of the Republic of Estonia.

  Open in new window   National Examination and Qualification Centre
National Examination and Qualification Centre.

  Open in new window   North-Estonian Blood Center
The North-Estonian Blood Center is the largest blood component producer in Estonia.

  Open in new window   Place Names Board
Law on Place Names, regulations, Board documents, place names decisions, lists, etc.

  Open in new window   Public Service Academy
Information about the school.

  Open in new window   Radiation Protection Centre
Information about Radiation Protection Centre.

  Open in new window   Riigi Teataja
Publishing department.

  Open in new window   The Estonian Environment Information Centre
Information about The Estonian Environment Information Centre.

  Open in new window   The Estonian Youth Work Centre (EYWC)
The Estonian Youth Work Centre is a national centre for the work with the youth under the authority of the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research.

  Open in new window   The precious metal assaying laboratory
Information about the precious metal assaying laboratory .

  Open in new window   The State Audit Office of Estonia
Information about The State Audit Office of Estonia.

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