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Organizations / NonProfit Organizations /

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  Open in new window   Crisis Program for Children and Youth
Supporting children and teenagers, their familys in grief and trauma, consulting specialists on grief and trauma issues.

  Open in new window   Culture Society
For collecting and introducing cultures of exotic countries.

  Open in new window   Development and Innovation Centre Livonia
A non-profit organization. Acquainting of area\'s nature, cultural inheritance and development chances, working with environment problems, propagating of economical and healthy life style, etc.

  Open in new window   Estonian Association of Interpreters and Translators
A NonProfit organisation. Association of professional interpreters and translators.

  Open in new window   Estonian Association of Travel Agencies
Information, members, history.

  Open in new window   Estonian Astronomical Society
A non-profit organisation for joining professional and amateur astronomers.

  Open in new window   Estonian Business Association
A non-profit organisation, with the purpose to develop a favourable entrepreneurial and foreign economic environment in the Republic of Estonia.

  Open in new window   Estonian Chefs Assotsation
General information and contact.

  Open in new window   Estonian Children`s Fund
Children protection and supporting organisation.

  Open in new window   Estonian Council of Civic Organisations
General information and contact.

  Open in new window   Estonian Film Foundation
Film events, Estonian film, films in production, statistics, etc.

  Open in new window   Estonian Fish Breeders Association
Non-governmental organization (NGO). News, materials and discussions on fish breeding.

  Open in new window   Estonian Fur Breeders Association
General information and contact.

  Open in new window   Estonian Gambling Operator Association
The webpage of the union.

  Open in new window   Estonian Golden Retriever Club
Information, breed standards, news, exhibitions, training, puppies, pictures, links.

  Open in new window   Estonian Information Page
Estonian Institute. Information regarding Estonia, Estonian culture, arts, litearuture, history, society, nature and economy.

  Open in new window   Estonian Institute for Future Studies
The EIFS is a research institute, which is primarily engaged in the conducting of futures research, its results and the promoting of mentality connected with it.

  Open in new window   Estonian Land-Recamation Society
The webpage of the Society.

  Open in new window   Estonian Libraries Network Consortium (ELNET)
Nonprofit organization. Estonian scientific libraries network.

  Open in new window   Estonian Linux Users Group
Information materials.

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