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Organizations / NonProfit Organizations /

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  Open in new window   Estonian Neighbourhood Watch Association
Neighbourhood Watch in Estonia: news, training, development.

  Open in new window   Estonian NGO Roundtable
Database of NGOs in Estonia, researches, articles, information about the roundtable, etc.

  Open in new window   Estonian NLP Institute
Non-governmental organization.

  Open in new window   Estonian Ornithological Society
Conservation and study of Estonian birds. Partner of BirdLife International.

  Open in new window   Estonian Packcycling
General information and contact.

  Open in new window   Estonian Pharmacists` Association
General information and contact.

  Open in new window   Estonian Plastics Association
Iinformation exchange, special consulting, keeping of data base, training and research support.

  Open in new window   Estonian Press Council
A body of press self-regulation to handle complaints about materials in the press in Estonia.

  Open in new window   Estonian Rural Advisers
Rural Advisers, Association of Rural Advisers, Sertification of Rural Advisers, Database of Rural Advisers.

  Open in new window   Estonian Rural Tours
Estonian rural tours and travel information.

  Open in new window   Estonian Society for the Protection of Animals
Information about animal welfare, news, information about the society, etc.

  Open in new window   Estonian Society of Merchants
Information about Estonian trade enterprises.

  Open in new window   Estonian Society of Stomatology
Introduction of the society, members, news, information about the events, stomatology based articles and information materials, possibility to order editions, etc.

  Open in new window   Estonian Spina bifida and Hydrocephalus Society
General information and contact.

  Open in new window   Estonian Student Society for Environment Protection
A voluntary non-profit organisation for young people.

  Open in new window   Estonian Survival Society
Nature trips, survival courses, camping, etc.

  Open in new window   Estonian Technology Agency (ESTAG)
A non profit organization.

  Open in new window   Estonian Union for Child Welfare
A non-profit organization.

  Open in new window   Estonian Urantia Association
General information and contact.

  Open in new window   Folklore Society Leigarid
Folk dance and folk song ensemble.

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