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Organizations / NonProfit Organizations /

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  Open in new window   Foundation Lutreola
Organisation for protecting, conservation and breeding of the European mink.

  Open in new window   Foundation of Tuuru
Education, regional and community development.

  Open in new window   Heategevusgrupp (Charity Group)
NGO. Online benefactions for indigent persons.

  Open in new window   Hiiumaa Arengupuuetega Laste Tugiliit
Information and contact.

  Open in new window   Hunting association
Hunting industry, hunting tourism

  Open in new window   Island and Coast Research Centre Arhipelaag
Conservation, research, and sustainable development of the coastal area and islands of Estonia.

  Open in new window   Jaan Tõnisson Institute
Non-governmental organization. Science and training center.

  Open in new window   Jakob von Uexküll Centre
Semiotics, theoretical biology and fields bordering with them.

  Open in new window   Keilakodu
Apartment house company of Keila, Vasara street 8.

  Open in new window   Korteriühistu Abi
General information and contact.

  Open in new window   Lääne County\'s Tourism
General information and contact.

  Open in new window   Legal Information Centre for Human Rights (LICHR)
A public non-profit organization. Promoting of constructive dialog and enhancing of the awareness about human rights in the Estonian society.

  Open in new window   Men\\\\\\\'s Centre
Information and advice for men and about men - health, social problems, etc.

  Open in new window   Music Export Estonia
Database of Estonian music.

  Open in new window   Narva Business Advisory Services Foundation
Consulting services, business plans, partner search, loan applications, information services for SMEs.

  Open in new window   Narva open youth center RLK
Narva open youth center. We work around year.

  Open in new window   NGO Hino people
Environmental protection. Conservation of traditions. Art.

  Open in new window   NGO Offline.ee
Offline.ee is a non-profit organization that aims to help those with ideas but without technical resources.

  Open in new window   Noorte Kodupaik, Home Place of The Young
A NonProfit Organization for helping and supporting the young orphans or the young people without parental care.

  Open in new window   Norden Association of Estonia
A NonProfit organization, for people interested in Nordics.

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