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Organizations / NonProfit Organizations /

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  Open in new window   North-Estonian Association of the Blind
Blind, people with vision impairment, visually impaired.

  Open in new window   Old School Men NGO
General information and contact.

  Open in new window   Open Estonia Foundation (OEF)
Non-governmental not-for-profit foundation, funded by G.Soros.

  Open in new window   People for School Reform
Estonian citizens\' movement for school reform and humanitarian paradigm in education. Affiliate to European Forum for Freedom in Education (EFFE).

  Open in new window   Põltsamaa Bands Union
General information and contact.

  Open in new window   Pro Baltica Forum e.V.
A non-governmental organisation. Promotes active co-operation between institutions in the Baltic Sea Region.

  Open in new window   Programm Euroopa Noored
European Union\'s education program for supporting youth projects, programs and international co-operation.

  Open in new window   Raskete Laste Keskus
Non-governmental organization with participation of Narva Police and Social Departments for helping children.

  Open in new window   Ruhnu Kultuurielu MTÜ
General information and contact.

  Open in new window   Rulluisukool MTÜ
Skating courses, rollerblading.

  Open in new window   Russian Museum in Estonia
Museum in Tallinn.

  Open in new window   Tallinn Water Control
General information and contact.

  Open in new window   Tallinna Vabriku 47
General information and contact.

  Open in new window   Tartu Science Park Foundation
General information, requisites and companies of Tartu Science Park; a database of Estonian technological innovations.

  Open in new window   Tartu Student Nature Protection Circle
Youth environmental organisation established already in 1958 by activists of Tartu University and Estonian Agricultural University.

  Open in new window   The Charity Foundation of Estonia
Non profit trusts and organisations for the elderly.

  Open in new window   The Estonian Association of Dental Technicians
General information and contact.

  Open in new window   The Estonian Association of People Who Stutter
Stuttering, speech-therapy, stammering.

  Open in new window   The Flying Dutchman
Webportal of a digital organization. General information and contact.

  Open in new window   The Legion of Children\\\'s Traffic Protection (LCTP)
A non-profit association, with the main purpose of protecting children from dangers of traffic.

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